Senin, 29 April 2013

What causes students to cheat on tests?

In this part I want to tell you about causes student to cheat on test. They always think that examination is scary. So that they do cheat on test. All of them think that cheat is the only ways but they don’t think about effect cheat on test. However, cheating on test is dishonest.

            As result,many student is not confidence with their self. So, when they to do test, many of them to do cheat.Like cheat to friend or bring some notes.They to do it because they have not preparation.All of them  want to simple steps to get answer quickly. Another effect is want ignore the teacher and doesn’t like about the lessons. To get the good value many student sure to do it.
            In addition,that cheat is dishonest, if this case to do in every test. This case will be bring bad impact to students. Like, students became lazy to study, doesn’t serious in every her study, and loss again her self.
            In conclusion, this case not good to student to future. They can study everyday. Although two hours to study, but if that is to do everyday will relieve them. So, cheat on test is not the only way. And to do cheating that will their disadvantage.

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